1. Introduction

Our mission is to provide best quality Service for electric cars owners and we want you to feel secure and be satisfied with our App! iCarica cares deeply about your privacy and security. We are updating our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy to reflect new features. It is important for us that you feel comfortable and trust us with your information while using the App iCarica services. Please take a few minutes to read this Privacy Policy, so that you understand what information we collect, what we do with it and why.

1.1. We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our mobile application users; in this Privacy Policy, we explain how we will treat your personal information.

2. Collecting personal information

2.1. We may collect, store and use the following kinds of personal information:

  1. information about your device and web-site usage; use of mobile application iCarica (including your geographical location, type of device);
  2. information that you provide to us when registering with our mobile application (including your email address, name, telephone number, gender, age, type of your car, which you own);
  3. information that you provide to us for the purpose of subscribing to our email notifications and/or newsletters and/or (including your name, telephone number and email address);
  4. information that you provide to us when using the mobile application, or that is generated while using those services (including the timing, frequency and pattern of service use);
  5. information about your current location (your coordinates, altitude, speed, time of the coordinate determination);
  6. information relating to any purchases you make of our services or any other transactions that you enter into through our mobile application (including your name, address, telephone number, email address and card details); and
  7. Any other personal information that you choose to send to us.

2.2. Cookie. Cookies are small text files that are loaded on device or read by browser when the user accesses some websites. Cookies are used to authenticate users, identify popularity, evaluate performance, rate attendance, and website trends. Cookies also make your interaction with the website safe and fast as they remember your personal preferences (e.g. login, language, IP address, web browser information, equipment model, operating system, mobile platform, webpages or sites that are visited directly before or after using our website, etc.). It’s all done with securing of information anonymity. Cookies are used to provide you with the necessary information from a website. If you wish, you can change those configurations in your browser to accept all cookies, to be notified when a cookie is sent, or to discard all cookies.

3. Using personal information

3.1. Personal information submitted to us through our mobile application or website will be used for the purposes specified in this policy in the relevant services of the mobile application.

3.2. We may use your personal information to:

  1. administer our mobile application and website;
  2. personalize our mobile application and website for you;
  3. enable your use of the services available in our mobile application and website;
  4. supply services purchased through our Website.
  5. send invoices to you, and collect payments from you.
  6. send you non-marketing commercial communications;
  7. send you email notifications.
  8. send you push notifications.
  9. send you advertising messages (you can inform us at any time if you no longer require advertising messages);
  10. send text messages or Social app. messages with a marketing and other information to your mobile phone (you can inform us at any time if you no longer require text messages);
  11. send you marketing communications relating to our business which we think may be of interest to you, by email or similar technology (you can inform us at any time if you no longer require marketing communications);
  12. provide third parties with statistical information about our users (but those third parties will not be able to identify any individual user from that information);
  13. deal with enquiries and complaints made by or about you relating to our mobile application and website;
  14. verify compliance with the terms and conditions governing the use of our mobile application and website.

3.3. your privacy settings can be used to limit the publication of your telephone number in our mobile application, and can be adjusted using privacy controls in the mobile application.

4. Disclosing personal information

4.1. We may disclose your personal information to any of our employees, officers, professional advisers insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this Policy.

4.2. We may disclose your personal information to any member of our group of companies (this means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and all its subsidiaries) insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this Policy.

4.3. We may disclose your personal information:

  1. to the extent that we are required to do so by law;
  2. in connection with any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings;
  3. in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (including providing information to others for the purposes of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk); and
  4. to the purchaser (or prospective purchaser) of any business or asset that we are (or are contemplating) selling.
  5. to a partner company, where you booked, used, or paid for services or products (business partners)

4.4. Except as provided in this Policy, we will not provide your personal information to the third parties.

5. International data transfers

5.1. Information, that we collect, may be stored and processed in and transferred between any of the countries in which we operate in order to enable us to use the information in accordance with this policy.

5.2. you expressly agree to the transfers of personal information, described in this policy.

6. Retaining personal information

6.1. Personal information, that we process for any purpose or purposes, shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes.

6.2. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section 6, we will retain documents (including electronic documents) containing personal data:

  1. to the extent that we are required to do so by law;
  2. if we believe that the documents may be relevant to any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings; and
  3. in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (including providing information to others for the purposes of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk).

7. Security of personal information

7.1. We will take reasonable technical and organizational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information.

7.2. We will store all the personal information you provide on our secure (password- and firewall-protected) AWS servers.

7.3. All electronic financial transactions entered into through our website will be protected by encryption technology.

8. Amendments

8.1. We may update this Policy from time to time by publishing a new version on our mobile application and website.

8.2. you should check this page occasionally to ensure you are agreeing with all changes to this policy.

9. Your rights

9.1. you may instruct us to provide you with any personal information we hold about you; provision of such information will be possible after supplying appropriate evidence of your identity.

9.2. We may withhold personal information that you request to the extent permitted by law.

9.3. you may instruct us at any time not to process your personal information for marketing purposes.

9.4. you may request to delete your account and all personal data from our system. For this purpose, visit profile settings in the mobile application and select option “Delete account”. If you delete your account, you will have 30 days to recover it.

10. Updating information

10.1. you can update information about you in your mobile application account

Company Details

11. Our details

11.1. iCarica Inc. owns all intellectual properties of Mobile app. & Website.

11.2 We are currently Operating in UAE with provision of expansion in other countries in coming phase.